Inter-Party Pact to Maintain Clean Elections for the 14th Knesset

Inter-Party Pact to Maintain Clean Elections for the 14th Knesset

      Inter-Party Pact to Maintain Clean Elections for the 14th Knesset

    (Communicated by Central Elections Committee for the 14th Knesset)
    Jerusalem, March 28, 1996

    An inter-party pact is to be signed today, Thursday, March 28, 1996, at the Knesset to maintain clean elections for the 14th Knesset and prime minister, to prevent verbal violence, and uphold the law.

    Translation of the text:

    On the basis of our deep obligation to government by the people of Israel by means of elected representatives;

    On the basis of our recognition of the rule of law and justice;

    As an expression of our aspiration that in the election campaign for the 14th Knesset and for prime minister, a beneficial and honorable public debate be held on various issues related to the life of the people and the country;

    We, the representatives of the parties and the lists, publicly announce our obligation to act within the following framework:

    1. We will be meticulous in preventing any act or oversight which involves a breach of the election, election financing, or any other law.

    2. We will do everything in our power to ensure that, in the framework of the elections to the 14th Knesset and for prime minister, public order will be maintained, and acts of physical or verbal violence will be prevented. Unlawful harm to property and the environment will be prevented; we will preserve the cleanliness of the country.

    3. We will maintain human dignity. We will not publicize slogans or injurious comments relating to the origin, ethnic community, or religion of any candidate or group of candidates. We will not distort the image or voice of a candidate, if the aim of the advertisement is to degrade or show contempt for that candidate.

    4. We will -- to the best of our ability -- protect the rights of all lists and parties to conduct their election campaign as determined by law.

    5. We will not accuse lists or candidates of improper acts, as long as we have no substantiated proof upon which to base such accusations.

    6. We will call upon all of our members and supporters to act within the framework of the law, in accordance with the law, and within the framework of the rules determined in this pact.

    Any complaint regarding a non-criminal violation of this pact, any other agreements that may be entered into between the lists signatory to this pact, or any directive in the election laws, will be settled -- as far as possible -- through mutual agreement. Any complaint regarding a violation of this pact or any other agreement, for which mutual understanding cannot found, will be transferred to the Chairman of the Central Elections Committee for decision; his decisions and instructions will be honored by us.

    Elections in Israel 1996